#!/bin/sh ## There are three sets of options that need, may need to, and could be changed. ## (1) deals with input and output. You have to set these (in particular, you need to provide models) ## (2) deals with the jvm parameters and may need to be changed ## (3) deals with the behaviour of the system ## For further information on switches, see the source code, or run ## java -cp srl.jar se.lth.cs.srl.Parse --help ################################################## ## (1) The following needs to be set appropriately ################################################## #INPUT="/home/anders/corpora/conll09/eng/CoNLL2009-evaluation-English-SRLonly.txt" #evaluation corpus INPUT=/home/anders/corpora/conll09/chi/CoNLL2009-ST-evaluation-Chinese-SRLonly.txt LANG="chi" ##TOKENIZER_MODEL="models/eng/EnglishTok.bin.gz" #This is not used here anyway. The input is assumed to be segmented/tokenized already. ##LEMMATIZER_MODEL="models/chi/lemma-eng.model" POS_MODEL="models/chi/tag-chn.model" #MORPH_MODEL="models/ger/morph-ger.model" #Morphological tagger is not applicable to English. Fix the path and uncomment if you are running german. PARSER_MODEL="models/chi/prs-chn.model" SRL_MODEL="models/chi/srl-chn.model" OUTPUT="$LANG.out" ################################################## ## (2) These ones may need to be changed ################################################## JAVA="java" #Edit this i you want to use a specific JRE. MEM="4g" #Memory for the JVM, might need to be increased for large corpora. CP="srl.jar:lib/anna.jar:lib/liblinear-1.51-with-deps.jar:lib/opennlp-tools-1.4.3.jar:lib/maxent-2.5.2.jar:lib/trove.jar:lib/seg.jar" JVM_ARGS="-cp $CP -Xmx$MEM" ################################################## ## (3) The following changes the behaviour of the system ################################################## #RERANKER="-reranker" #Uncomment this if you want to use a reranker too. The model is assumed to contain a reranker. While training, the corresponding parameter has to be provided. #NOPI="-nopi" #Uncomment this if you want to skip the predicate identification step. ################################################## CMD="$JAVA $JVM_ARGS se.lth.cs.srl.CompletePipeline $LANG $NOPI $RERANKER -tagger $POS_MODEL -parser $PARSER_MODEL -srl $SRL_MODEL -test $INPUT -out $OUTPUT" if [ "$TOKENIZER_MODEL" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD -token $TOKENIZER_MODEL" fi if [ "$LEMMATIZER_MODEL" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD -lemma $LEMMATIZER_MODEL" fi if [ "$MORPH_MODEL" != "" ]; then CMD="$CMD -morph $MORPH_MODEL" fi echo "Executing: $CMD" $CMD