This file briefly describes the role of the libraries which are used by the SRL system and references their associated licenses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ anna-3-3.jar mate-tools anna, Downloaded 2012-11-16 10:20 CET Homepage: License: GPL (see GPL.txt) The jar from mate-tools. Used for lemmatizing, pos tagging, morphological tagging and dependency parsing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ liblinear-1.51-with-deps.jar liblinear (java implementation), version 1.51 Homepage: License: own license (see LL-LICENSE.txt) Powerful machine-learning library. Used for training models in the SRL system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ opennlp-tools-1.5.2-incubating.jar OpenNLP Tools, version 1.5.2 Homepage: License: Apache License (see APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt) Package that provides various NLP tools. Used for the tokenization step in the pipeline. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ opennlp-maxent-3.0.2-incubating.jar Part of OpenNLP Tools, version 1.5.2 Homepage: License: Apache License (see APACHE-LICENSE-2.0.txt) Package that provides various NLP tools. Used for the tokenization step in the pipeline. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ seg.jar Stanford Chinese Word Segmenter, version 3.2.0 Homepage: License: GPL (see GPL.txt) Chinese word segmenter. Used for Chinese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ stanford-parser.jar Stanford Parser, version 3.2.0 HomePage: License: GPL (see GPL.txt) Stanford Parser. Used for tokenization of English and French. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ whatswrong-0.2.3.jar What's Wrong With My NLP?, version 0.2.3 Homepage: License: GPL (see GPL.txt) A visualizer for Natural Language Processing problems. Used by the HTTP interface to generate graphical output of depency graphs.