import argparse import re import sys from lxml import etree class Sentence: def __init__(self, _id, no_ud=False, system='jos'): self._id = _id self.items = [] self.links = [] self.no_ud = no_ud self.system = system def add_item(self, token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, misc): self.items.append([token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, "SpaceAfter=No" in misc.split('|')]) def add_link(self, link_ref, link_type): self.links.append([link_ref, link_type]) def as_xml(self, id_prefix=None): if id_prefix: xml_id = id_prefix + '.' + self._id else: xml_id = self._id base = etree.Element('s') set_xml_attr(base, 'id', xml_id) id_counter = 1 for item in self.items: token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, no_space_after = item if xpos in {'U', 'Z'}: # hmm, safe only as long as U is unused in English tagset and Z in Slovenian one to_add = etree.Element('pc') else: to_add = etree.Element('w') to_add.set('lemma', lemma) to_add.set('ana', 'mte:' + xpos) if not self.no_ud: if upos_other != '_': to_add.set('msd', f'UposTag={upos}|{upos_other}') else: to_add.set('msd', f'UposTag={upos}') set_xml_attr(to_add, 'id', "{}.{}".format(xml_id, id_counter)) to_add.text = token id_counter += 1 if no_space_after: to_add.set('join', 'right') base.append(to_add) link_grp = etree.Element('linkGrp') link_grp.set('corresp', '#'+xml_id) link_grp.set('targFunc', 'head argument') link_grp.set('type', self.system.upper() + '-SYN') for link_id, item in enumerate(self.links): link_ref, link_type = item link = etree.Element('link') link.set('ana', self.system + '-syn:' + link_type.replace(':','_')) if link_ref == u'0': link.set('target', '#' + xml_id + ' #' + xml_id + '.' + str(link_id + 1)) else: link.set('target', '#' + xml_id + '.' + link_ref + ' #' + xml_id + '.' + str(link_id + 1)) link_grp.append(link) base.append(link_grp) return base class Paragraph: def __init__(self, _id): self._id = _id if _id is not None else 'no-id' self.sentences = [] def add_sentence(self, sentence): self.sentences.append(sentence) def as_xml(self, id_prefix=None): if id_prefix: xml_id = id_prefix + '.' + self._id else: xml_id = self._id p = etree.Element('p') set_xml_attr(p, 'id', xml_id) for sent in self.sentences: p.append(sent.as_xml(id_prefix=id_prefix)) return p class TeiDocument: def __init__(self, _id, paragraphs=list()): self._id = _id self.paragraphs = paragraphs def as_xml(self): root = etree.Element('TEI') root.set('xmlns', '') set_xml_attr(root, 'lang', 'sl') xml_id = self._id if xml_id is not None: set_xml_attr(root, 'id', xml_id) tei_header = etree.SubElement(root, 'teiHeader') text = etree.SubElement(root, 'text') body = etree.SubElement(text, 'body') for para in self.paragraphs: body.append(para.as_xml(id_prefix=xml_id)) encoding_desc = etree.SubElement(tei_header, 'encodingDesc') tags_decl = etree.SubElement(encoding_desc, 'tagsDecl') namespace = etree.SubElement(tags_decl, 'namespace') namespace.set('name', '') for tag in ['p', 's', 'pc', 'w']: count = int(text.xpath('count(.//{})'.format(tag))) tag_usage = etree.SubElement(namespace, 'tagUsage') tag_usage.set('gi', tag) tag_usage.set('occurs', str(count)) return root def add_paragraph(self, paragraph): self.paragraphs.append(paragraph) def build_tei_etrees(documents): elements = [] for document in documents: elements.append(document.as_xml()) return elements def set_xml_attr(node, attribute, value): node.attrib['{}' + attribute] = value def parse_metaline(line): tokens = line.split('=', 1) key = tokens[0].replace('#', '').strip() if len(tokens) > 1 and not tokens[1].isspace(): val = tokens[1].strip() else: val = None return (key, val) def is_metaline(line): if re.match('# .+ =.*', line): return True return False def construct_tei_documents(conllu_lines): documents = [] doc_id = None document_paragraphs = [] para_id = None para_buffer = [] for line in conllu_lines: if is_metaline(line): key, val = parse_metaline(line) if key == 'newdoc id': if len(para_buffer) > 0: document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(para_id, para_buffer)) if len(document_paragraphs) > 0: documents.append( TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs)) document_paragraphs = [] doc_id = val elif key == 'newpar id': if len(para_buffer) > 0: document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(para_id, para_buffer)) para_buffer = [] para_id = val elif key == 'sent_id': para_buffer.append(line) else: if not line.isspace(): para_buffer.append(line) if len(para_buffer) > 0: document_paragraphs.append(construct_paragraph(para_id, para_buffer)) if len(document_paragraphs) > 0: documents.append( TeiDocument(doc_id, document_paragraphs)) return documents def construct_paragraph(para_id, conllu_lines): para = Paragraph(para_id) sent_id = None sent_buffer = [] for line in conllu_lines: if is_metaline(line): key, val = parse_metaline(line) if key == 'sent_id': if len(sent_buffer) > 0: para.add_sentence(construct_sentence(sent_id, sent_buffer)) sent_buffer = [] sent_id = val elif not line.isspace(): sent_buffer.append(line) if len(sent_buffer) > 0: para.add_sentence(construct_sentence(sent_id, sent_buffer)) return para def construct_sentence(sent_id, lines): sentence = Sentence(sent_id) for line in lines: if line.startswith('#') or line.isspace(): continue line = line.replace('\n', '') tokens = line.split('\t') word_id = tokens[0] token = tokens[1] lemma = tokens[2] upos = tokens[3] xpos = tokens[4] upos_other = tokens[5] depparse_link = tokens[6] depparse_link_name = tokens[7] misc = tokens[9] sentence.add_item( token, lemma, upos, upos_other, xpos, misc) sentence.add_link( depparse_link, depparse_link_name) return sentence def construct_tei_etrees(conllu_lines): documents = construct_tei_documents(conllu_lines) return build_tei_etrees(documents) def convert_file(input_file_name, output_file_name): input_file = open(input_file_name, 'r') root = construct_tei_etrees(input_file)[0] tree = etree.ElementTree(root) tree.write(output_file_name, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True) input_file.close() tree = etree.ElementTree(root) tree.write(output_file_name, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8') if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse from glob import glob parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert CoNNL-U to TEI.') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='CoNNL-U file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out-file', dest='out', default=None, help='Write output to file instead of stdout.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--system', dest='system', default='jos', choices=['jos', 'ud']) args = parser.parse_args() if args.out: f_out = open(args.out, 'w') else: f_out = sys.stdout system = args.system for arg in args.files: filelist = glob(arg) for f in filelist: with open(f, 'r') as conllu_f: tei_etrees = construct_tei_etrees(conllu_f) for tei_etree in tei_etrees: f_out.write(etree.tostring(tei_etree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8').decode()) f_out.write('')