section. The library will try to create the file if it does not exist already. Please ensure the destination file is writeable var $kmlLayerURL = ''; // A URL to publicly available KML or GeoRSS data for displaying geographic information. Multiple KML layers can be passed in by using an array of URL's. Note, if using multiple you'll probably have to set $kmlLayerPreserveViewport to true and manually set map center and zoom var $kmlLayerPreserveViewport = FALSE; // Specifies whether the map should be adjusted to the bounds of the KmlLayer's contents. By default the map is zoomed and positioned to show the entirety of the layer's contents var $language = ''; // The map will by default load in the language of the browser. This can be overriden however here. For a full list of codes see var $loadAsynchronously = FALSE; // Load the map and API asynchronously once the page has loaded var $map_div_id = "map_canvas"; // The ID of the
that is output which contains the map var $map_height = "450px"; // The height of the map container. Any units (ie 'px') can be used. If no units are provided 'px' will be presumed var $map_name = "map"; // The JS reference to the map. Currently not used but to be used in the future when multiple maps are supported var $map_type = "ROADMAP"; // The default MapType. Values accepted are 'HYBRID', 'ROADMAP', 'SATELLITE' or 'TERRAIN' var $map_types_available = array(); // The other MapTypes available for selection on the map var $map_width = "100%"; // The width of the map container. Any units (ie 'px') can be used. If no units are provided 'px' will be presumed var $maps_loaded = 0; // Counter which keeps track of how many maps have been created to avoid standard functions being output twice var $mapTypeControlPosition = ''; // The position of the MapType control, eg. 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' var $mapTypeControlStyle = ''; // The style of the MapType control. blank, 'DROPDOWN_MENU' or 'HORIZONTAL_BAR' values accepted. var $minzoom = ''; // The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map var $maxzoom = ''; // The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map var $minifyJS = FALSE; // If TRUE will run the JavaScript through Jsmin.php (this file and PHP5+ required) to minify the code var $noClear = FALSE; // If TRUE do not clear the contents of the map div var $onboundschanged = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the viewport bounds have changed var $oncenterchanged = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when themap center property changes var $onclick = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the map is clicked var $ondblclick = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the map is double-clicked var $ondrag = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform while the map is dragged var $ondragend = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the user stops dragging the map var $ondragstart = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the user starts dragging the map var $onidle = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the map becomes idle after panning or zooming var $onload = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the map first loads. This library hi-jacks the window.load event so add any bespoke code using this option var $onmousemove = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the user's mouse moves over the map container var $onmouseout = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the user's mouse exits the map container var $onmouseover = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the user's mouse enters the map container var $onresize = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the maps div changes size var $onrightclick = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the map is right-clicked var $ontilesloaded = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the visible tiles have finished loading var $onzoomchanged = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when the maps zoom property changes var $panoramio = FALSE; // If TRUE will add photos from Panoramio as a layer to your maps as a series of large and small photo icons var $panoramioTag = ''; // Restrict the set of Panoramio photos shown to those matching a certain textual tag var $panoramioUser = ''; // Restrict the set of Panoramio photos shown to those matching a particular user var $region = ''; // Country code top-level domain (eg "uk") within which to search. Useful if supplying addresses rather than lat/longs var $scaleControlPosition = ''; // The position of the Scale control, eg. 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' var $scrollwheel = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will disable zooming by scrolling of the mouse wheel var $sensor = FALSE; // Set to TRUE if being used on a device that can detect a users location var $streetViewAddressControl = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will hide the Address control var $streetViewAddressPosition = ''; // The position of the Address control, eg. 'BOTTOM' var $streetViewControlPosition = ''; // The position of the Street View control when viewing normal aerial map, eg. 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' var $streetViewCloseButton = FALSE; // If set to TRUE will show the close button in the top right. The close button allows users to return to the aerial map var $streetViewLinksControl = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will hide the Links control var $streetViewPanControl = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will hide the Pan control var $streetViewPanPosition = ''; // The position of the Scale control, eg. 'TOP_RIGHT' var $streetViewPovHeading = 0; // The Street View camera heading in degrees relative to true north. True north is 0, east is 90, south is 180, west is 270 var $streetViewPovPitch = 0; // The Street View camera pitch in degrees, relative to the street view vehicle. Directly upwards is 90, Directly downwards is -90. var $streetViewPovZoom = 0; // The Street View zoom level. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, zooming in increases the zoom level. var $streetViewZoomControl = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will hide the Zoom control var $streetViewZoomPosition = ''; // The position of the Scale control, eg. 'TOP_RIGHT' var $streetViewZoomStyle = ''; // The size of the Street View zoom control. blank, 'SMALL' or 'LARGE' values accepted. var $styles = array(); // An array of styles used to colour aspects of the map and turn points of interest on and off var $stylesAsMapTypes = false; // If applying styles, whether to apply them to the default map or add them as additional map types var $stylesAsMapTypesDefault = ''; // If $stylesAsMapTypes is true the default style. Should contain the 'Name' of the style var $tilt = 0; // The angle of tilt. Currently only supports the values 0 and 45 in SATELLITE and HYBRID map types and at certain zoom levels var $trafficOverlay = FALSE; // If set to TRUE will overlay traffic information onto the map by default var $version = "3"; // Version of the API being used. Not currently used in the library var $zoom = 13; // The default zoom level of the map. If set to "auto" will autozoom/center to fit in all visible markers. If "auto", also overrides the $center parameter var $zoomControlPosition = ''; // The position of the Zoom control, eg. 'BOTTOM_RIGHT' var $zoomControlStyle = ''; // The size of the zoom control. blank, 'SMALL' or 'LARGE' values accepted. var $markers = array(); // An array used by the library to store the markers as they are produced var $markersInfo = array(); // An array containing marker information (id, latitude, longitude etc) for use elsewhere var $polylines = array(); // An array used by the library to store the polylines as they are produced var $polygons = array(); // An array used by the library to store the polygons as they are produced var $circles = array(); // An array used by the library to store the circles as they are produced var $rectangles = array(); // An array used by the library to store the rectangles as they are produced var $overlays = array(); // An array used by the library to store the overlays as they are produced var $directions = FALSE; // Whether or not the map will be used to show directions var $directionsStart = ""; // The starting location (lat/long co-ordinate or address) of the directions. Set to 'auto' to default it to the users location var $directionsEnd = ""; // The destination point (lat/long co-ordinate or address) of the directions. Set to 'auto' to default it to the users location var $directionsDivID = ""; // An element's ID on the page where textual directions will be output to. Leave blank if not required var $directionsMode = "DRIVING"; // DRIVING, WALKING or BICYCLING (US Only) - The vehicle/mode of transport to show directions for var $directionsAvoidTolls = FALSE; // Whether or not directions should avoid tolls var $directionsAvoidHighways = FALSE; // Whether or not directions should avoid highways var $directionsDraggable = FALSE; // Whether or not directions on the map are draggable var $directionsChanged = ""; // JavaScript to perform when directions are dragged var $directionsUnits = ""; // 'metric' for kilometers and meters or 'imperial for miles and feet. Leave blank and it will default to the region or country of where directions are being obtained var $directionsWaypointArray = array(); // An array of waypoints. eg array("Boston, MA", "Times Square, NY"); var $directionsWaypointsOptimize= FALSE; // Should the waypoints be optimised? If TRUE, waypoints will be re-ordered to provide the most efficient route. var $drawing = FALSE; // Whether or not the drawing library tools will be loaded var $drawingControl = TRUE; // If set to FALSE will hide the Drawing Manager control var $drawingControlPosition = 'TOP_CENTER'; // The position of the Drawing Manager control, eg. 'TOP_RIGHT' var $drawingDefaultMode = 'marker'; // The default mode for the Drawing Manager. Accepted values are marker, polygon, polyline, rectangle, circle, or null. null means that the user can interact with the map as normal when the map loads, and clicks do not draw anything. var $drawingModes = array(); // An array of modes available for use. Accepted values are marker, polygon, polyline, rectangle, circle var $drawingOnComplete = array(); // An array of JS to execute when shapes are completed, one array element per shape. For example: array('circle'=>'JS here', 'polygon'=>'JS here'); var $drawingOnEdit = array(); // An array of JS to execute when shapes are changed/resized, one array element per shape. For example: array('circle'=>'JS here', 'polygon'=>'JS here'); var $places = FALSE; // Whether or not the map will be used to show places var $placesLocation = ''; // A point (lat/long co-ordinate or address) on the map if the search for places is based around a central point var $placesRadius = 0; // The radius (in meters) if search is based around a central position var $placesLocationSW = ''; // If preferring to search within bounds the South-West position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR address) var $placesLocationNE = ''; // If preferring to search within bounds the North-East position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR address) var $placesTypes = array(); // The types of places to search for. For a list of supported types see var $placesName = ''; // A term to be matched against when searching for places to display on the map var $placesAutocompleteInputID = ''; // The ID attribute of the textfield that the autocomplete should effect var $placesAutocompleteTypes = array(); // The types of places for the autocomplete to return. Options can be seen here but include 'establishment' to only return business results, '(cities)', or '(regions)' var $placesAutocompleteBoundSW = ''; // By specifying an area in which to search for Places, the results are biased towards, but not restricted to, Places contained within these bounds. var $placesAutocompleteBoundNE = ''; // Both South-West (lat/long co-ordinate or address) and North-East (lat/long co-ordinate or address) values are required if wishing to set bounds var $placesAutocompleteBoundsMap= FALSE; // An alternative to setting the SW and NE bounds is to use the bounds of the current viewport. If set to TRUE, the bounds will be set to the viewport of the visible map, even if dragged or zoomed var $placesAutocompleteOnChange = ''; // The JavaScript action to perform when a place is selected function Googlemaps($config = array()) { if (count($config) > 0) { $this->initialize($config); } log_message('debug', "Google Maps Class Initialized"); } function initialize($config = array()) { foreach ($config as $key => $val) { if (isset($this->$key)) { $this->$key = $val; } } if ($this->sensor) { $this->sensor = "true"; }else{ $this->sensor = "false"; } } function add_marker($params = array()) { $marker = array(); $this->markersInfo['marker_'.count($this->markers)] = array(); $marker['position'] = ''; // The position (lat/long co-ordinate or address) at which the marker will appear $marker['infowindow_content'] = ''; // If not blank, creates an infowindow (aka bubble) with the content provided. Can be plain text or HTML $marker['id'] = ''; // The unique identifier of the marker suffix (ie. marker_yourID). If blank, this will default to marker_X where X is an incremental number $marker['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the marker is clickable $marker['cursor'] = ''; // The name or url of the cursor to display on hover $marker['draggable'] = FALSE; // Defines if the marker is draggable $marker['flat'] = FALSE; // If set to TRUE will not display a shadow beneath the icon $marker['icon'] = ''; // The name or url of the icon to use for the marker $marker['icon_size'] = ''; // The display size of the sprite or image being used. When using sprites, you must specify the sprite size. Expecting two comma-separated values for width and height respectively (ie '20,30'). See $marker['icon_scaledSize'] = ''; // The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to stretch/shrink an image or a sprite. Expecting two comma-separated values for width and height respectively (ie '20,30') $marker['icon_origin'] = ''; // If using a sprite, the position of the image within the sprite. Expecting two comma-separated values for distance from the top and left respectively (ie '20,30') $marker['icon_anchor'] = ''; // The position at which to anchor an image in correspondance to the location of the marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located along the center point of the bottom of the image. Expecting two comma-separated values (ie '20,30'). Credit to $marker['animation'] = ''; // blank, 'DROP' or 'BOUNCE' $marker['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a marker is clicked $marker['ondblclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a marker is double-clicked $marker['ondrag'] = ''; // JavaScript repeatedly performed while the marker is being dragged $marker['ondragstart'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a marker is started to be dragged $marker['ondragend'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a draggable marker is dropped $marker['onmousedown'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mousedown event occurs on a marker $marker['onmouseout'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse leaves the area of the marker icon $marker['onmouseover'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse enters the area of the marker icon $marker['onmouseup'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mouseup event occurs on a marker $marker['onpositionchanged'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the markers position changes $marker['onrightclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a right-click occurs on a marker $marker['raiseondrag'] = TRUE; // If FALSE, disables the raising and lowering of the icon when a marker is being dragged $marker['shadow'] = ''; // The name or url of the icon's shadow $marker['title'] = ''; // The tooltip text to show on hover $marker['visible'] = TRUE; // Defines if the marker is visible by default $marker['zIndex'] = ''; // The zIndex of the marker. If two markers overlap, the marker with the higher zIndex will appear on top $marker_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($marker[$key])) { $marker[$key] = $value; } } $marker_id = count($this->markers); if (trim($marker['id']) != "") { $marker_id = $marker['id']; } if ($marker['position']!="") { if ($this->is_lat_long($marker['position'])) { $marker_output .= ' var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng('.$marker['position'].'); '; $explodePosition = explode(",", $marker['position']); $this->markersInfo['marker_'.$marker_id]['latitude'] = trim($explodePosition[0]); $this->markersInfo['marker_'.$marker_id]['longitude'] = trim($explodePosition[1]); }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($marker['position']); $marker_output .= ' var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].');'; $this->markersInfo['marker_'.$marker_id]['latitude'] = $lat_long[0]; $this->markersInfo['marker_'.$marker_id]['longitude'] = $lat_long[1]; } } if ($marker['icon']!="") { $marker_output .= ' var marker_icon = { url: "'.$marker['icon'].'"'; if ($marker['icon_size']!="") { $marker_output .= ', size: new google.maps.Size('.$marker['icon_size'].')'; } if ($marker['icon_scaledSize']!="") { $marker_output .= ', scaledSize: new google.maps.Size('.$marker['icon_scaledSize'].')'; } if ($marker['icon_origin']!="") { $marker_output .= ', origin: new google.maps.Point('.$marker['icon_origin'].')'; } if ($marker['icon_anchor']!="") { $marker_output .= ', anchor: new google.maps.Point('.$marker['icon_anchor'].')'; } $marker_output .= '}; '; } $marker_output .= ' var markerOptions = { map: '.$this->map_name; if ($marker['position']!="") { $marker_output .= ', position: myLatlng'; } if (!$marker['clickable']) { $marker_output .= ', clickable: false'; } if ($marker['cursor']!="") { $marker_output .= ', cursor: "'.$marker['cursor'].'"'; } if ($marker['draggable']) { $marker_output .= ', draggable: true'; } if ($marker['flat']) { $marker_output .= ', flat: true'; } if ($marker['icon']!="") { $marker_output .= ', icon: marker_icon'; } if (!$marker['raiseondrag']) { $marker_output .= ', raiseOnDrag: false'; } if ($marker['shadow']!="") { $marker_output .= ', shadow: "'.$marker['shadow'].'"'; } if ($marker['title']!="") { $marker_output .= ', title: "'.$marker['title'].'"'; $this->markersInfo['marker_'.$marker_id]['title'] = $marker['title']; } if (!$marker['visible']) { $marker_output .= ', visible: false'; } if ($marker['zIndex']!="" && is_numeric($marker['zIndex'])) { $marker_output .= ', zIndex: '.$marker['zIndex']; } if ($marker['animation']!="" && (strtoupper($marker['animation'])=="DROP" || strtoupper($marker['animation']=="BOUNCE"))) { $marker_output .= ', animation: google.maps.Animation.'.strtoupper($marker['animation']); } $marker_output .= ' }; marker_'.$marker_id.' = createMarker_'.$this->map_name.'(markerOptions); '; if ($marker['infowindow_content']!="") { // Escape any quotes in the event that HTML is being added to the infowindow $marker['infowindow_content'] = str_replace('\"', '"', $marker['infowindow_content']); $marker['infowindow_content'] = str_replace('"', '\"', $marker['infowindow_content']); $marker_output .= ' marker_'.$marker_id.'.set("content", "'.$marker['infowindow_content'].'"); google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "click", function(event) { iw_'.$this->map_name.'.setContent(this.get("content")); iw_'.$this->map_name.'.open('.$this->map_name.', this); '; if ($marker['onclick']!="") { $marker_output .= $marker['onclick'].' '; } $marker_output .= ' }); '; }else{ if ($marker['onclick']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "click", function(event) { '.$marker['onclick'].' }); '; } } if ($marker['ondblclick']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "dblclick", function(event) { '.$marker['ondblclick'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onmousedown']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "mousedown", function(event) { '.$marker['onmousedown'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onmouseout']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "mouseout", function(event) { '.$marker['onmouseout'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onmouseover']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "mouseover", function(event) { '.$marker['onmouseover'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onmouseup']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "mouseup", function(event) { '.$marker['onmouseup'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onpositionchanged']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "position_changed", function(event) { '.$marker['onpositionchanged'].' }); '; } if ($marker['onrightclick']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "rightclick", function(event) { '.$marker['onrightclick'].' }); '; } if ($marker['draggable']) { if ($marker['ondrag']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "drag", function(event) { '.$marker['ondrag'].' }); '; } if ($marker['ondragend']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "dragend", function(event) { '.$marker['ondragend'].' }); '; } if ($marker['ondragstart']!="") { $marker_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(marker_'.$marker_id.', "dragstart", function(event) { '.$marker['ondragstart'].' }); '; } } array_push($this->markers, $marker_output); } function add_polyline($params = array()) { $polyline = array(); $polyline['points'] = array(); // An array of latitude/longitude coordinates OR addresses, or a mixture of both. If an address is supplied the Google geocoding service will be used to return a lat/long. $polyline['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the polyline is clickable $polyline['strokeColor'] = '#FF0000'; // The hex value of the polylines color $polyline['strokeOpacity'] = '1.0'; // The opacity of the polyline. 0 to 1.0 $polyline['strokeWeight'] = '2'; // The thickness of the polyline $polyline['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a polyline is clicked $polyline['ondblclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a polyline is double-clicked $polyline['onmousedown'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mousedown event occurs on a polyline $polyline['onmousemove'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse moves in the area of the polyline $polyline['onmouseout'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse leaves the area of the polyline $polyline['onmouseover'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse enters the area of the polyline $polyline['onmouseup'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mouseup event occurs on a polyline $polyline['onrightclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a right-click occurs on a polyline $polyline['zIndex'] = ''; // The zIndex of the polyline. If two polylines overlap, the polyline with the higher zIndex will appear on top $polyline_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($polyline[$key])) { $polyline[$key] = $value; } } if (count($polyline['points'])) { $polyline_output .= ' var polyline_plan_'.count($this->polylines).' = ['; $i=0; $lat_long_output = ''; foreach ($polyline['points'] as $point) { if ($i>0) { $polyline_output .= ','; } $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($point)) { $lat_long_to_push = $point; $polyline_output .= ' new google.maps.LatLng('.$point.') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($point); $polyline_output .= ' new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $lat_long_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $i++; } $polyline_output .= '];'; $polyline_output .= $lat_long_output; $polyline_output .= ' var polyline_'.count($this->polylines).' = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: polyline_plan_'.count($this->polylines).', strokeColor: "'.$polyline['strokeColor'].'", strokeOpacity: '.$polyline['strokeOpacity'].', strokeWeight: '.$polyline['strokeWeight']; if (!$polyline['clickable']) { $polyline_output .= ', clickable: false'; } if ($polyline['zIndex']!="" && is_numeric($polyline['zIndex'])) { $polyline_output .= ', zIndex: '.$polyline['zIndex']; } $polyline_output .= ' }); polyline_'.count($this->polylines).'.setMap('.$this->map_name.'); '; if ($polyline['onclick']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "click", function() { '.$polyline['onclick'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['ondblclick']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "dblclick", function() { '.$polyline['ondblclick'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onmousedown']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "mousedown", function() { '.$polyline['onmousedown'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onmousemove']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "mousemove", function() { '.$polyline['onmousemove'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onmouseout']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "mouseout", function() { '.$polyline['onmouseout'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onmouseover']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "mouseover", function() { '.$polyline['onmouseover'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onmouseup']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "mouseup", function() { '.$polyline['onmouseup'].' }); '; } if ($polyline['onrightclick']!="") { $polyline_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polyline_'.count($this->polylines).', "rightclick", function() { '.$polyline['onrightclick'].' }); '; } array_push($this->polylines, $polyline_output); } } function add_polygon($params = array()) { $polygon = array(); $polygon['points'] = array(); // The positions (latitude/longitude coordinates OR addresses) at which the polygon points will appear. NOTE: The first and last elements of the array must be the same $polygon['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the polygon is clickable $polygon['strokeColor'] = '#FF0000'; // The hex value of the polygons border color $polygon['strokeOpacity'] = '0.8'; // The opacity of the polygon border. 0 to 1.0 $polygon['strokeWeight'] = '2'; // The thickness of the polygon border $polygon['fillColor'] = '#FF0000'; // The hex value of the polygons fill color $polygon['fillOpacity'] = '0.3'; // The opacity of the polygons fill $polygon['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a polygon is clicked $polygon['ondblclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a polygon is double-clicked $polygon['onmousedown'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mousedown event occurs on a polygon $polygon['onmousemove'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse moves in the area of the polygon $polygon['onmouseout'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse leaves the area of the polygon $polygon['onmouseover'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse enters the area of the polygon $polygon['onmouseup'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mouseup event occurs on a polygon $polygon['onrightclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a right-click occurs on a polygon $polygon['zIndex'] = ''; // The zIndex of the polygon. If two polygons overlap, the polygon with the higher zIndex will appear on top $polygon_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($polygon[$key])) { $polygon[$key] = $value; } } if (count($polygon['points'])) { $polygon_output .= ' var polygon_plan_'.count($this->polygons).' = ['; $i=0; $lat_long_output = ''; foreach ($polygon['points'] as $point) { if ($i>0) { $polygon_output .= ','; } $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($point)) { $lat_long_to_push = $point; $polygon_output .= ' new google.maps.LatLng('.$point.') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($point); $polygon_output .= ' new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $lat_long_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $i++; } $polygon_output .= '];'; $polygon_output .= $lat_long_output; } $polygon_output .= ' var polygon_'.count($this->polygons).' = new google.maps.Polygon({ '; if (count($polygon['points'])) { $polygon_output .= 'path: polygon_plan_'.count($this->polygons).', '; } $polygon_output .= ' strokeColor: "'.$polygon['strokeColor'].'", strokeOpacity: '.$polygon['strokeOpacity'].', strokeWeight: '.$polygon['strokeWeight'].', fillColor: "'.$polygon['fillColor'].'", fillOpacity: '.$polygon['fillOpacity']; if (!$polygon['clickable']) { $polygon_output .= ', clickable: false'; } if ($polygon['zIndex']!="" && is_numeric($polygon['zIndex'])) { $polygon_output .= ', zIndex: '.$polygon['zIndex']; } $polygon_output .= ' }); polygon_'.count($this->polygons).'.setMap('.$this->map_name.'); '; if ($polygon['onclick']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "click", function() { '.$polygon['onclick'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['ondblclick']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "dblclick", function() { '.$polygon['ondblclick'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onmousedown']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "mousedown", function() { '.$polygon['onmousedown'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onmousemove']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "mousemove", function() { '.$polygon['onmousemove'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onmouseout']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "mouseout", function() { '.$polygon['onmouseout'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onmouseover']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "mouseover", function() { '.$polygon['onmouseover'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onmouseup']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "mouseup", function() { '.$polygon['onmouseup'].' }); '; } if ($polygon['onrightclick']!="") { $polygon_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(polygon_'.count($this->polygons).', "rightclick", function() { '.$polygon['onrightclick'].' }); '; } array_push($this->polygons, $polygon_output); } function add_circle($params = array()) { $circle = array(); $circle['center'] = ''; // The center position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR addresse) at which the circle will appear $circle['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the circle is clickable $circle['radius'] = 0; // The circle radius (in metres) $circle['strokeColor'] = '0.8'; // The hex value of the circles border color $circle['strokeOpacity'] = '0.8'; // The opacity of the circle border $circle['strokeWeight'] = '2'; // The thickness of the circle border $circle['fillColor'] = '#FF0000'; // The hex value of the circles fill color $circle['fillOpacity'] = '0.3'; // The opacity of the circles fill $circle['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a circle is clicked $circle['ondblclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a circle is double-clicked $circle['onmousedown'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mousedown event occurs on a circle $circle['onmousemove'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse moves in the area of the circle $circle['onmouseout'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse leaves the area of the circle $circle['onmouseover'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse enters the area of the circle $circle['onmouseup'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mouseup event occurs on a circle $circle['onrightclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a right-click occurs on a circle $circle['zIndex'] = ''; // The zIndex of the circle. If two circles overlap, the circle with the higher zIndex will appear on top $circle_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($circle[$key])) { $circle[$key] = $value; } } if ($circle['radius']>0 && $circle['center']!="") { $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($circle['center'])) { $lat_long_to_push = $circle['center']; $circle_output = ' var circleCenter = new google.maps.LatLng('.$circle['center'].') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($circle['center']); $circle_output = ' var circleCenter = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $circle_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $circle_output .= ' var circleOptions = { strokeColor: "'.$circle['strokeColor'].'", strokeOpacity: '.$circle['strokeOpacity'].', strokeWeight: '.$circle['strokeWeight'].', fillColor: "'.$circle['fillColor'].'", fillOpacity: '.$circle['fillOpacity'].', map: '.$this->map_name.', center: circleCenter, radius: '.$circle['radius']; if (!$circle['clickable']) { $circle_output .= ', clickable: false'; } if ($circle['zIndex']!="" && is_numeric($circle['zIndex'])) { $circle_output .= ', zIndex: '.$circle['zIndex']; } $circle_output .= ' }; var circle_'.count($this->circles).' = new google.maps.Circle(circleOptions); '; if ($circle['onclick']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "click", function() { '.$circle['onclick'].' }); '; } if ($circle['ondblclick']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "dblclick", function() { '.$circle['ondblclick'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onmousedown']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "mousedown", function() { '.$circle['onmousedown'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onmousemove']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "mousemove", function() { '.$circle['onmousemove'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onmouseout']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "mouseout", function() { '.$circle['onmouseout'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onmouseover']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "mouseover", function() { '.$circle['onmouseover'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onmouseup']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "mouseup", function() { '.$circle['onmouseup'].' }); '; } if ($circle['onrightclick']!="") { $circle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(circle_'.count($this->circles).', "rightclick", function() { '.$circle['onrightclick'].' }); '; } array_push($this->circles, $circle_output); } } function add_rectangle($params = array()) { $rectangle = array(); $rectangle['positionSW'] = ''; // The South-West position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR address) at which the rectangle will appear $rectangle['positionNE'] = ''; // The North-East position(latitude/longitude coordinate OR address) at which the rectangle will appear $rectangle['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the rectangle is clickable $rectangle['strokeColor'] = '0.8'; // The hex value of the rectangles border color $rectangle['strokeOpacity'] = '0.8'; // The opacity of the rectangle border $rectangle['strokeWeight'] = '2'; // The thickness of the rectangle border $rectangle['fillColor'] = '#FF0000'; // The hex value of the rectangles fill color $rectangle['fillOpacity'] = '0.3'; // The opacity of the rectangles fill $rectangle['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a rectangle is clicked $rectangle['ondblclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a rectangle is double-clicked $rectangle['onmousedown'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mousedown event occurs on a rectangle $rectangle['onmousemove'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse moves in the area of the rectangle $rectangle['onmouseout'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse leaves the area of the rectangle $rectangle['onmouseover'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when the mouse enters the area of the rectangle $rectangle['onmouseup'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a mouseup event occurs on a rectangle $rectangle['onrightclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a right-click occurs on a rectangle $rectangle['zIndex'] = ''; // The zIndex of the rectangle. If two rectangles overlap, the rectangle with the higher zIndex will appear on top $rectangle_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($rectangle[$key])) { $rectangle[$key] = $value; } } if ($rectangle['positionSW']!="" && $rectangle['positionNE']!="") { $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($rectangle['positionSW'])) { $lat_long_to_push = $rectangle['positionSW']; $rectangle_output .= ' var positionSW = new google.maps.LatLng('.$rectangle['positionSW'].') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($rectangle['positionSW']); $rectangle_output .= ' var positionSW = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $rectangle_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($rectangle['positionNE'])) { $lat_long_to_push = $rectangle['positionNE']; $rectangle_output .= ' var positionNE = new google.maps.LatLng('.$rectangle['positionNE'].') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($rectangle['positionNE']); $rectangle_output .= ' var positionNE = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $rectangle_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $rectangle_output .= ' var rectangleOptions = { strokeColor: "'.$rectangle['strokeColor'].'", strokeOpacity: '.$rectangle['strokeOpacity'].', strokeWeight: '.$rectangle['strokeWeight'].', fillColor: "'.$rectangle['fillColor'].'", fillOpacity: '.$rectangle['fillOpacity'].', map: '.$this->map_name.', bounds: new google.maps.LatLngBounds(positionSW, positionNE)'; if (!$rectangle['clickable']) { $rectangle_output .= ', clickable: false'; } if ($rectangle['zIndex']!="" && is_numeric($rectangle['zIndex'])) { $rectangle_output .= ', zIndex: '.$rectangle['zIndex']; } $rectangle_output .= ' };'; $rectangle_output .= ' var rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).' = new google.maps.Rectangle(rectangleOptions); '; if ($rectangle['onclick']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "click", function() { '.$rectangle['onclick'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['ondblclick']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "dblclick", function() { '.$rectangle['ondblclick'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onmousedown']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "mousedown", function() { '.$rectangle['onmousedown'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onmousemove']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "mousemove", function() { '.$rectangle['onmousemove'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onmouseout']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "mouseout", function() { '.$rectangle['onmouseout'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onmouseover']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "mouseover", function() { '.$rectangle['onmouseover'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onmouseup']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "mouseup", function() { '.$rectangle['onmouseup'].' }); '; } if ($rectangle['onrightclick']!="") { $rectangle_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(rectangle_'.count($this->rectangles).', "rightclick", function() { '.$rectangle['onrightclick'].' }); '; } array_push($this->rectangles, $rectangle_output); } } function add_ground_overlay($params = array()) { $overlay = array(); $overlay['image'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a ground overlay is clicked $overlay['positionSW'] = ''; // The South-West position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR addresse) at which the ground overlay will appear $overlay['positionNE'] = ''; // The North-East position (latitude/longitude coordinate OR addresse) at which the ground overlay will appear $overlay['clickable'] = TRUE; // Defines if the ground overlay is clickable $overlay['onclick'] = ''; // JavaScript performed when a ground overlay is clicked $overlay_output = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (isset($overlay[$key])) { $overlay[$key] = $value; } } if ($overlay['image']!="" && $overlay['positionSW']!="" && $overlay['positionNE']!="") { $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($overlay['positionSW'])) { $lat_long_to_push = $overlay['positionSW']; $overlay_output .= ' var positionSW = new google.maps.LatLng('.$overlay['positionSW'].') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($overlay['positionSW']); $overlay_output .= ' var positionSW = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $overlay_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $lat_long_to_push = ''; if ($this->is_lat_long($overlay['positionNE'])) { $lat_long_to_push = $overlay['positionNE']; $overlay_output .= ' var positionNE = new google.maps.LatLng('.$overlay['positionNE'].') '; }else{ $lat_long = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($overlay['positionNE']); $overlay_output .= ' var positionNE = new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1].')'; $lat_long_to_push = $lat_long[0].', '.$lat_long[1]; } $overlay_output .= ' lat_longs_'.$this->map_name.'.push(new google.maps.LatLng('.$lat_long_to_push.')); '; $overlay_output .= ' var overlay_'.count($this->overlays).' = new google.maps.GroundOverlay("'.$overlay['image'].'", new google.maps.LatLngBounds(positionSW, positionNE), { map: '.$this->map_name; if (!$overlay['clickable']) { $overlay_output .= ', clickable: false'; } $overlay_output .= '}); '; if ($overlay['onclick']!="") { $overlay_output .= ' google.maps.event.addListener(overlay_'.count($this->overlays).', "click", function() { '.$overlay['onclick'].' }); '; } array_push($this->overlays, $overlay_output); } } function create_map() { $this->output_js = ''; $this->output_js_contents = ''; $this->output_html = ''; if ($this->maps_loaded == 0) { if ($this->apiKey!="") { if ($this->https) { $apiLocation = 'https'; }else{ $apiLocation = 'http'; } $apiLocation .= '://'.$this->apiKey.'&'; } else { if ($this->https) { $apiLocation = 'https://maps-api-ssl'; }else{ $apiLocation = 'http://maps'; } $apiLocation .= ''; } $apiLocation .= 'sensor='.$this->sensor; if ($this->region!="" && strlen($this->region)==2) { $apiLocation .= '®ion='.strtoupper($this->region); } if ($this->language!="") { $apiLocation .= '&language='.$this->language; } $libraries = array(); if ($this->adsense!="") { array_push($libraries, 'adsense'); } if ($this->places!="") { array_push($libraries, 'places'); } if ($this->panoramio) { array_push($libraries, 'panoramio'); } if ($this->drawing) { array_push($libraries, 'drawing'); } if (count($libraries)) { $apiLocation .= '&libraries='.implode(",", $libraries); } if (!$this->loadAsynchronously) { $this->output_js .= ' '; } if ($this->cluster) { $this->output_js .= ' '; } } if ($this->jsfile=="") { $this->output_js .= ' '; } } } if ($this->jsfile=="") { $this->output_js .= ' //]]> '; } // set height and width if (is_numeric($this->map_width)) { // if no width type set $this->map_width = $this->map_width.'px'; } if (is_numeric($this->map_height)) { // if no height type set $this->map_height = $this->map_height.'px'; } // $this->output_html .= '
class != "") ? ' class="'.$this->class.'"' : '').'>
'; ++$this->maps_loaded; return array('js'=>$this->output_js, 'html'=>$this->output_html, 'markers'=>$this->markersInfo); } function is_lat_long($input) { $input = str_replace(", ", ",", trim($input)); $input = explode(",", $input); if (count($input)==2) { if (is_numeric($input[0]) && is_numeric($input[1])) { // is a lat long return true; }else{ // not a lat long - incorrect values return false; } }else{ // not a lat long - too many parts return false; } } function get_lat_long_from_address($address, $attempts = 0) { $lat = 0; $lng = 0; $error = ''; if ($this->geocodeCaching) { // if caching of geocode requests is activated $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->database(); $CI->db->select("latitude,longitude"); $CI->db->from("geocoding"); $CI->db->where("address", trim(strtolower($address))); $query = $CI->db->get(); if ($query->num_rows()>0) { $row = $query->row(); return array($row->latitude, $row->longitude); } } if ($this->https) { $data_location = 'https://'; }else{ $data_location = 'http://'; } $data_location .= "".urlencode(utf8_encode($address))."&sensor=".$this->sensor; if ($this->region!="" && strlen($this->region)==2) { $data_location .= "®ion=".$this->region; } $data = file_get_contents($data_location); $data = json_decode($data); if ($data->status=="OK") { $lat = $data->results[0]->geometry->location->lat; $lng = $data->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; if ($this->geocodeCaching) { // if we to need to cache this result if ($address != "" && $lat != 0 && $lng != 0) { $data = array( "address"=>trim(strtolower($address)), "latitude"=>$lat, "longitude"=>$lng ); $CI->db->insert("geocoding", $data); } } } else { if ($data->status == "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT") { $error = $data->status; if ($attempts < 2) { sleep(1); ++$attempts; list($lat, $lng, $error) = $this->get_lat_long_from_address($address, $attempts); } } } return array($lat, $lng, $error); } } ?>