/* * Edited by: Nermin Jukan, 63150367 * Date: 21. 05. 2018 * Modifications: Edited the delete function so that it shows the Name property and no the ID. */ 'use strict'; angular .module('sloDialectsAdmin') .component('admin', { templateUrl: 'components/admin/admin.template.html', controller: ['$http', '$location', 'dialectSelect', function AdminController($http, $location, dialectSelect) { var vm = this; vm.go = go; vm.selectItems = dialectSelect; vm.createNew = createNew; getDialects(); function getDialects(){ $http.get('../api/dialects').then(function (result) { vm.dialects = result.data; }, function (error) { console.log('Error getting dialects'); }); } vm.delete = function (id, name) { if (confirm("Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati vnos " + name + "?")) { $http.delete('../api/dialects/'+id).then(function(result){ //console.log(result.data); getDialects(); }, function(error){ console.log('Error deleting entry:', error); }); } }; function createNew() { $http.post('../api/dialects').then(function (response) { go('/new/' + response.data.id); }, function (error) { alert('Prišlo je do napake pri dodajanju novega vnosa:', error); }); } function go(path) { $location.path(path); } }] });